To add a virtual IP address, add :n where n is a number after the name of the network interface.For example, ifconfig eth0:0 adds the address as a virtual IP address to eth0. The number after the colon must be unique, you can add a second virtual IP address with ifconfig …

May 06, 2020 Linux dhclient command help and examples May 04, 2019 Best Linux Ifconfig Command With Examples » IT SMART TRICKS Configure IP address using ifconfig command. You can configure IP Address in Linux using ifconfig … ip command in Linux with examples - GeeksforGeeks

Jun 04, 2014

Best Linux Ifconfig Command With Examples » IT SMART TRICKS

So, for example, the configuration file for the first Ethernet interface is called ifcfg-eth0. This file is created and updated by the Network Configuration program, so you don’t have to edit it directly (if you don’t want to). Here’s a typical ifcfg file for an interface that has a static IP address:

Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time to set up interfaces as necessary. After that, it is usually only needed when debugging or when system tuning is needed. If no arguments are given, ifconfig displays [ubuntu] Change IP from Static to DHCP using ifconfig Jan 10, 2011 C.1. ifconfig -