I have created the setup of a Windows Forms application. After installing this setup in Windows 7, it displays something like this: Name: my application.exe Publisher: unknown publisher Type: application From: my application.exe

Jul 20, 2018 How to Unblock a Publisher in Windows 10 We divide the process unblocking a publisher in Windows 10 into 4 steps. Step 1: Go and find the physical location of the program and find the installation file ( this file usually end with .exe ) of it, then there are two ways to copy path of the installation file. How to Disable “Do you want to allow the following program Jan 10, 2017

We have a 3rd-party system that uses an XBAP app, which is launched from Internet Explorer. More often than not, when it starts up, it displays an "Unknown Publisher" warning: To even run the application and get this far, it has to be part of IE's "Trusted Sites".

How to add publisher for setup - Stack Overflow

User Account Control is a feature in Microsoft Windows 10, 8, and 7 that warns users with a dialog whenever a program tries to make changes to the system. The dialog will ask “ Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer? “, then provide details about the program name and publisher along with a selection to

May 25, 2016 Should You and How to Bypass “Publisher Could Not Be Dec 05, 2019