Learn know how copyright infringement affects you as an Internet user, and what you need to do.

The fines for infringement can be pretty steep, ranging up to $250,000 per incident for really egregious violations plus additional money for lost revenues or other damage to the copyright-holder. Although most infringement is handled as a civil matter (subject to a lawsuit), some copyright violations are handled criminally and can lead to jail WSU Copyright Policy | Printing | Washington State University By using any of this material, you assume all risks of copyright infringement and related liability. Policy on Using WSU Logos, Trademarks and Licensed Graphics, and Web Templates All standard graphics, photographs, and text of the WSU Home Page and connected pages displaying the WSU logos and logotype are copyrighted and trademarked by WSU. Publishers Sue the Internet Archive for Copyright Infringement May 31, 2020 How to Know if Internet Images Are Copyrighted | Legal Beagle

Don’t assume that lack of a copyright notice gives you the right to use an image. Images may be specifically labeled for free public use; otherwise, you should assume that images on the internet are protected by copyright, and using them without obtaining a license from the owner is an infringement of federal copyright law.

AT&T Internet: Copyright Infringement Defined - DSL Learn know how copyright infringement affects you as an Internet user, and what you need to do.

The fines for infringement can be pretty steep, ranging up to $250,000 per incident for really egregious violations plus additional money for lost revenues or other damage to the copyright-holder. Although most infringement is handled as a civil matter (subject to a lawsuit), some copyright violations are handled criminally and can lead to jail

If a copyright owner wants to stop someone form using his images on the internet, he can contact the individual personally or notify the host of the site that the image appears on. The person who posted the image without permission could be found legally liable for infringement and required to pay damages. How To Avoid Website Copyright Infringement! (An Internet service provider can also be found liable for copyright infringement even when they are not directly engaged in the copying of protected materials also). The separate website elements are discussed in detail below. Copyright Law in 2017: 12 Big Court Cases to Know About Jan 10, 2018